Tuesday, January 18, 2011

And So It Was..............

As you are here, you will undoubtedly see that this is the first post of my curious new adventure.  Actually this blog came about as an assignment that I gave to our freshman high school student.  When you home educate, you can be extremely creative and set a few of your own requirements.  Her task was to create and maintain a blog, thesistersgrinn.blogspot.com,  for the 2010 - 2011 school season.  In typical fashion she jumped right in learning on the fly.  Terrific! 

"Well Mom, since this is so easy, why don't you give it a go?"  Mmmmm........one more thing to attempt, plan for, add to the "to do" list...........Not too sure.  But, I couldn't get it out of my mind.  I have several blogs that I follow regularly.  Sometimes they make me laugh, ponder great possibilities, consider yet another creative outlet but always, always they give me a little mental break from the dailiness of this castle.  It's like a visit with a good friend.  Who can resist an invitation to sit down for a refreshing visit?? 

That's what I'm hoping to achieve for you.  As you progress through your day, you might find the need to just unplug from the next task and sit down for a visit.  In our part of the country an impromptu visit is always welcomed, normally with a yummy something to nibble and a tall glass of ice cold sweet tea.  If the visit is a quick one, less than 20 minutes, we are happy you came by.  If the visit lasts until the ice has melted in your glass, we are all the more joyful you were able to stop by and sit "a spell".

Today you'll have to settle for a virtual No Bake Cookie.  My eldest thought this pic looked like baked beans "Which",  she said, "will not taste better even if placed on china".  HMS (His Manly Self) was going to vote for some type of treat for the official castle guard (the Labrador).  So much for venturing into something entirely new in front of the watchful eyes of my kingdom.  In true queenly spirit I lifted my chin a little higher, walked a little taller and resolved to work on my next post when they are not present!

I've enjoyed our first visit.  I hope you'll stop back by.  There will certainly be plenty of sweet iced tea to drink and more pearls from the queen to discuss. 

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